Event Driven Architecture

Event-Driven Architecture is a software architectural pattern where the flow of data and control is based on events, such as user actions, system events, or messages, which trigger the execution of certain functions or processes. It is a powerful paradigm for building responsive, scalable, and flexible software systems. By embracing events as the foundation of communication and decision-making, organizations can create agile, real-time applications capable of meeting the demands of modern, data-intensive environments.

graph TD
  subgraph Event Sources
    A[Service A] -->|Event| B[Message Queue]
    C[Service B] -->|Event| B[Message Queue]
    D[Service C] -->|Event| B[Message Queue]

  subgraph Event Processors
    E[Service X] -->|Subscribes to Events| B[Message Queue]
    F[Service Y] -->|Subscribes to Events| B[Message Queue]

  subgraph Event Consumers
    G[Service P] -->|Event| H[Database]
    I[Service Q] -->|Event| J[External System]

  B[Message Queue] -->|Event| E[Service X]
  B[Message Queue] -->|Event| F[Service Y]
  B[Message Queue] -->|Event| G[Service P]
  B[Message Queue] -->|Event| I[Service Q]

Key Concepts


Common Use Cases
