Container Security

Container Security is the practice of securing containerized applications and the underlying infrastructure to protect against threats, vulnerabilities, and unauthorized access.

It is a critical element of DevSecOps, ensuring that containerized applications are shielded from vulnerabilities, threats, and unauthorized access. By implementing container security practices and tools, organizations can confidently embrace the scalability and consistency offered by containers while safeguarding their digital assets.

Key Concepts

  1. Image Scanning: Scans container images for vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.
  2. Runtime Protection: Monitors container behavior and enforces security policies in real time.
  3. Orchestration Security: Secures container orchestration platforms (e.g., Kubernetes).
  4. Network Security: Controls container network access and communication.

Tools and Resources



Use Cases

  1. DevSecOps Pipelines: Integrating security into CI/CD processes for containerized applications.
  2. Microservices Security: Protecting microservices running in containers.
  3. Kubernetes Security: Securing container orchestration platforms.
  4. Cloud-Native Applications: Ensuring the security of cloud-native applications.