Version Control Systems

Version control systems (VCS) are fundamental tools in software development that manage changes to a project's files, allowing multiple people to collaborate effectively. This chapter explores the importance of version control systems in DevOps, highlighting popular tools and best practices for their use.

Understanding Version Control Systems

Version control systems track modifications to a codebase, store revisions efficiently, and help teams resolve conflicts when merging contributions from multiple sources. They are crucial for continuous integration and delivery processes, facilitating team collaboration and code management.


Popular Version Control Systems

Several version control systems are commonly used in the industry:

1. Git

2. Subversion (SVN)

3. Mercurial

Integrating Version Control in DevOps

The integration of version control systems into DevOps practices is essential for managing source code changes as part of the CI/CD pipeline.

1. Setup and Configuration

2. Best Practices

3. Security Practices

4. Automation with VCS


Version control systems are indispensable tools in modern software development, especially in DevOps environments where rapid iterations are common. By using VCS effectively, teams can enhance collaboration, improve tracking and revertibility of changes, and maintain higher standards of code quality.