Interactive Application Security Testing

Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST) is a dynamic security testing methodology that assesses web applications by monitoring and analyzing application behavior during runtime to identify vulnerabilities.

It is a dynamic approach to assessing and securing web applications. By monitoring and analyzing application behavior in real time, IAST identifies vulnerabilities as they occur, minimizing false positives and enabling teams to address security issues proactively.

Key Concepts

  1. Runtime Analysis: IAST scans applications while they are running to understand their behavior.
  2. Deep Scanning: Analyzes both the application's source code and runtime behavior.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: Monitors applications during their lifecycle to identify vulnerabilities as they occur.
  4. Integration: Integrates with CI/CD pipelines for automated testing.

Tools and Resources



Use Cases

  1. Web Application Security: Assessing security in real time during the application's runtime.
  2. Continuous Security: Monitoring applications for vulnerabilities in CI/CD pipelines.
  3. Agile Development: Ensuring security in rapid development and deployment cycles.