
Kaizen is an approach to creating continuous improvement based on the idea that small, ongoing positive changes can reap significant improvements.

10 principles of Kaizen

Because executing Kaizen requires enabling the right mindset throughout a company, 10 principles that address the Kaizen mindset are commonly referenced as core to the philosophy. They are:

Kaizen cycle for continuous improvement

Kaizen can be implemented in a seven-step cycle to create an environment based on continuous improvement. This systematic method includes the following steps:

Kaizen Blitz

A Kaizen Blitz is a rapid, intensive activity or event that attacks a specific problem with overwhelming resources to rapidly come to a solution.

A Kaizen Blitz is the organized use of team knowledge that can improve all aspects of your organization. Such an event assembles cross-functional teams aimed at improving a process or problem identified within a specific area. You can use a Kaizen Blitz in the following situations: